Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Nature Boy

The Nature Boy

A boy of six walked before me
Crossed my path in  stunning mess
Hanging mucus on his nose
Like frozen dew on wintry bough.
He browned his head in soil-smoked play
Blew off bubbles as he breathes
His face was buried with brown soil
The tears ran down his sunken eyes
Drawing furrows through his cheeks
And sinking above his desert chin.

On the Wings of Wind

On the Wings of Wind

I don’t fear to grow anew
Finding solace in solitude grew
It isn't soft but ably I chew
The memories I weave yet never few
My wings flap full on conscience true
Passions high at patience adieu.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Your nuts are safe

Your nuts are safe

I have heard my uncle say
A simple truth on Farmers' day.
He said it plain but clear and loud
To two if counted him for crowd.

Make a garden in your field 
Plant some nuts and wait for yield.
You have nuts but monkeys feed
Let no anger breed like weed.

If with heart your field be filled
Nuts grow for a plenty yield.
Fences stands no defenses build
From monkeys if no monkeys shield.

A nut from field and a monkey trapped
An organic catch if plan be matched.
Chain him high to a pole mid field
Your nuts are safe, just be thrilled!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Teachers' Day (2nd May, 2014)

Happy Teachers' Day (2nd May, 2014)

To all my Teachers, past and present
The world has become a beautiful place
To live and lead a life so pleasant 
With your love and gracious grace
Embedded in your attitude in diverged magnitude
Exposed through teaching and disposed through guidance
I with  pleasure pay my gratitude
And submit before you in devoted obedience.

                                                           HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY

                                                     "To teach is to learn first"  

                                 Teachers of Trongsa Primary School, (Walking the Ant walk)