Monday, March 17, 2014

The Beggar's Cup

The Beggar's Cup

I watched quietly an old man blind
Not just once but always find
On the bridge way seated kind
Doubly was his life confined
Lame and blind his tale combined.

In haste came a gentle smart
The perfect print of Nature's art
He walked pass the blind man's heart
Stirred the wind with his perfumed shirt
Ashamed the dust and the floating dirt.

He flung a  coin with ringing sound
Missed the cup and hit the ground
Quickly did he turn around
Blushing reddish as he frowned
And caught my eyes on him dumbfound.

Did i say the heart is cup
For a man who can't stand up?
The act of smart shall timeless harp
Haunts his life with old man's burp
And feel the same cramp, quick and sharp.